Video performers

Vore inspired videos

Thoughts or suggestions on making videos that cater to those in the vore crowd? It's fictional of course but a little acting could go a long way I think.
2 years

Vore inspired videos

There's lots of fun scenarios. Pose with an empty pizza box and talk about how you were so hungry you ate the delivery boy. Talk to your tummy like the person viewing the video is in it. Pretend you "discovered" somebody's vore sites and want to try it out. It's all in the performance/narrative.
2 years

Vore inspired videos

If you are going to do some animation the possibilities are endless, but if you are going to make a video, it could be a good scenario where you turn people into food, and devour them while they ask you not to do it, once I saw a video on facebook of a guy who turned a lot of people into sausages and swallowed them whole, put sound effects and everything, very good video, and very exciting, especially for me that I love the whole theme of the vore.
2 years

Vore inspired videos

If you are going to do some animation the possibilities are endless, but if you are going to make a video, it could be a good scenario where you turn people into food, and devour them while they ask you not to do it, once I saw a video on facebook of a guy who turned a lot of people into sausages and swallowed them whole, put sound effects and everything, very good video, and very exciting, especially for me that I love the whole theme of the vore.

Oooh, care to share the link with the rest of us?
2 years

Vore inspired videos

The most realistic vore videos are swallowing a gold fish whole. Most people are against this rightfully so. Its animal cruelty. The best i have seen is gummy bear swallowing and pretending to be a giantess.
2 years